

Committed to providing professional intelligent system solutions for industries such as automobiles, tires, construction machinery, motorcycles, chemical daily chemical, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, paper printing, home appliances, etc

  • Automobile

    Provide vehicle logistics solutions to meet the processes of engine assembly, front and rear axle assembly, battery subassembly and transpor...

  • Tire

    Provide AGV intelligent logistics system to meet the all-round application of rubber mixing workshop, vulcanization workshop, molding worksh...

  • Construction machine

    As the production mode of the construction machinery industry gradually shifts from labor-intensive to technology intensive, and from high c...

  • Chemical

    According to the characteristics of high production cycle, high environmental requirements, and high production intensity in the chemical an...

  • Food&Drink

    Faced with the space and flexibility requirements of the food and beverage industry, MAXAGV's automatic logistics processing system eff...

  • Medicine

    Tailor-made AGV system module structure design for the pharmaceutical industry to meet its high requirements for quality and efficiency in t...


Selection of various types of models to meet your logistics handling needs

  • Bearing AGV

    This series of AGV handles goods in the form of direct bearing. There are differ...

    This series of AGV handles goods in the form of direct bearing. There are differ...

  • Traction AGV

    AGV hooks the trolley loaded with materials automatically,then conveys the troll...

    AGV hooks the trolley loaded with materials automatically,then conveys the troll...

  • Combination type AGV

    This AGV series apply to the assembly of automotive front axle,rear axle,battery...

    This AGV series apply to the assembly of automotive front axle,rear axle,battery...

  • Assembly type AGV

    Flexible assembly AGV is a flexible,informative,intelligent assembly AGV with th...

    Flexible assembly AGV is a flexible,informative,intelligent assembly AGV with th...

  • Forklift AGV

    The forklift AGV is a laser navigation AGV independently developed by Jingyuan C...

    The forklift AGV is a laser navigation AGV independently developed by Jingyuan C...

  • More

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