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Jingyuan AGV successfully applied in furniture manufacturing industry


Against the backdrop of sustained and rapid economic growth in China, benefiting from a large population base, steady improvement in household income levels, and changes in consumer attitudes, the Chinese furniture industry has developed rapidly and gradually embarked on a path of industrialization, scale, and branding.

A well-known domestic furniture manufacturer has been continuously investing resources in recent years, aiming to create a digital collaborative management era in multiple aspects such as factories, production, services, products, stores, logistics, etc. In the transportation process of finished furniture in the factory, the brand manufacturer used the Jingyuan Electromechanical Laser Navigation Forklift AGV instead of the original manual transportation step, reducing the labor intensity of workers, improving logistics and production efficiency, making production more intelligent, informationized, and flexible, thereby improving the overall floor efficiency of the factory.

In this project, the Jingyuan Electromechanical Laser Navigation Forklift AGV is mainly responsible for the automatic delivery of finished furniture and empty pallet stacks to the online workstation, achieving automated transportation to assist production and manufacturing. AGV can load ≥ 1000KG of materials, with a lifting height of 85-1400mm. Customized design planning can well meet the transportation needs of enterprise production materials. The project utilizes an AGV scheduling management system, which automatically schedules AGV carts for logistics handling, storage, and management upon receiving material requests from the MES system.

At present, China's furniture industry policies mainly focus on encouragement. Under the guidance of national policies and market rules, the trend of industrial clustering and intelligence in China's furniture industry will become increasingly apparent. As a supplier of intelligent logistics planning for the entire factory, Jingyuan Electromechanical will wholeheartedly assist more industry users in achieving digital factory construction.
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