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Elevated Forklift AGV Assists in Automated Management of Mold Warehouse


In order to ensure complete management of the mold warehouse, accurate and timely data accounting, prevent damage to materials during the warehouse management process, and improve warehouse capacity, a domestic tire factory adopts the Jingyuan Electromechanical High Lift Forklift AGV system to achieve automatic mold in and out storage and warehouse management, making production more automated, informationized, and intelligent. While reducing labor intensity of workers, it also improves warehouse capacity and logistics efficiency.

This project adopts laser guided high-altitude forklift AGV, with a load capacity of up to 1.5T, a lifting height of 6.5m, and a minimum operating channel width of 3500mm. AGV can accurately deliver mold pallets to designated storage locations through the information instructions provided by the MES system, complete the transportation work of inbound and outbound, and feedback the results to the MES system, thereby achieving production automation, informatization, and intelligence.

Due to the common lack of rigidity in the domestic market, when the standard pallet load is 1.5 tons and the lifting height exceeds 5 meters, the rigidity of the fork arm decreases, the deflection changes increase, and there is even a risk of failure. The Jingyuan Electromechanical AGV draws on the advantages of the Swedish MAXAGV and adopts a self-designed reinforced gantry, which can effectively solve the problem of lifting heights above 6 meters. At present, there are many mature high lift application cases in the market. In the future, we also look forward to more industries choosing Jingyuan Electromechanical in warehousing management to jointly build intelligent logistics warehouses.

Case Collection Sharing:

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