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Jingyuan AGV&Paper Industry


In recent years, under the positive influence of national policies and market demand, the technology of China's paper industry has been continuously updated and upgraded, and the production efficiency of the industry has been continuously improved. Green and environmentally friendly paper products have been widely used in packaging, industry, and other industries. The plastic restriction policy has accelerated the substitution of paper products for plastic products. With the steady growth of downstream demand and increased policy support, leading enterprises in the industry have increased their investment scale, worked hard in capacity expansion and product diversification, in order to enhance market competitiveness, achieve economies of scale and performance growth.

The forklift type AGV of Jingyuan Electromechanical has also been explored in the paper industry, mainly used for automated handling of paper pallets. Among them, the logistics equipment of Jingyuan Electromechanical has the following characteristics in the paper industry:

Automated handling: AGV can automatically handle paper raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products, reducing the need for manual handling and meeting 24-hour uninterrupted work, which can improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics handling in production lines.

Flexible logistics system: AGV system can flexibly adjust transportation routes and tasks according to production needs, adapting to the ever-changing production processes of the paper industry.

Reducing labor costs: Through automated handling, reliance on labor can be reduced, resulting in lower labor costs and intensity.

Reduce material loss: AGV handling process is smoother, reducing material loss during handling.

Improving safety: AGVs are equipped with multiple sensors and safety measures, which can operate safely in complex environments and reduce the risk of accidents.

Visual management: The AGV system can be integrated with the factory's MES system to achieve real-time monitoring and management of production data.

Easy to maintain: AGVs are typically designed with modular structures that facilitate maintenance and component replacement, reducing downtime.

When choosing an intelligent manufacturing solution for the entire factory, paper companies need to consider factors such as their own production scale, logistics needs, and cost budget comprehensively to ensure that the AGV system can effectively improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs. Jingyuan Electromechanical will provide dedicated services and offer more cost-effective cooperation solutions to more customers.

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