
Project Introduction:

Adopting 29 sets of load-carrying assembly type AGVs as the main production line and 2 sets of power roller load-carrying bi-directional AGVs as the auxiliary production line, the company adopts the intelligent management mode in order to realize the flexible and informatized management of the production, so as to complete the automated transportation of the products in the production processes of general assembly, inspection, cleaning and package transportation.


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多通道振动分析仪| 可燃气体检漏仪| HBM拉压力传感器| 包装跌落试验机| EJA110A差压变送器| 意大利超低温冰箱| 卷扬机厂家| 柴油机泵车| 石膏结晶水仪器| 反渗透EDI纯化水设备| BERTHOLD伯托传感器| ELAFLEX接头软管| 微量点液| 表面活性剂1631溴型(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵)| 超越离合器生产厂家| 钢格板| 西门子雷达物位计| 单缸注塑机厂家| 钻铣攻牙机一体机| 太原氦气| 101S集热式| 地埋式生活污水净化槽定制厂家| 三层恒温摇床| 数显| 免拆模板网| 电缆故障测试仪[精准定位]| 川熙流体设备百科| 粘度仪| Anpel超声波清洗器| 【上海东南衡器】维护| 屏蔽机房建设| 生物专用冻干机| 炭黑含量测试仪| 小鼠成纤维细胞L929| 尘埃粒子计数器| 集中供料系统| HAST高压加速寿命老化试验箱| 在线氯化物分析仪| 振动筛分机的厂家| 减速机厂家| 仪器仪表租赁|