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Project Introduction:

The project adopts 25T heavy-duty assembly type AGV, the main design of the project reflects the concept of "energy saving, environmental protection, people-oriented", assembly type AGV in addition to meet the customer's basic load demand, optimize the customer's staffing, saving labor costs, through the upper logistics management system centralized scheduling and control, logistics handling equipment and production equipment to achieve seamless integration, for the customer to create an intelligent lighthouse demonstration factories with stability, intelligence, security as the characteristics of the customer.

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超低频直流高压发生器| HORIBA指示变换器| Prometheus色度计| MKVVRP矿用控制电缆| 上海金刚石钻孔机| 鸡鸭副产品解冻机| 光学接触角测量仪| 趣味运动会| VOCs废气处理设备| 电磁离合器制动器组| 多管混匀仪| 装盒机| 织物胀破强度仪| 南京| 粮食取样器| 低温霉菌培养箱| 油缸液压缸| 全自动视频熔点仪| 沥青加温罐| 推拉力计| 六价铬在线监测仪| REFLOWTIN| 万用一体化蒸馏仪| 浮球液位开关| 卧式离心机| 疏浚抽沙管| 台式高速冷冻离心机| 猴车托轮| 工业电子内窥镜| 植保机械的一站式服务| 小型封边机| advantec代理| 环卫喷洒车厂家| 工业管道内窥镜| 有机废气处理设备| 小电容测量仪| 两轮板式工具滑车| 厂家| 输变电工程| 青岛除甲醛| 东莞骏美机械科技|