
Project Introduction:

A total of 40 AGVs are used in the project to realize the final rubber compounding, large roll steel cord, tread, carcass, sidewall, inner liner, bead and shoulder pad of 8 semi-components in the production line, three-dimensional warehouse or shoulder pad in a large workshop of a tire enterprise. Automatic identification, automatic transportation, and automatic information exchange between plane libraries and forming machines. This project is the first 5G fully-connected factory in the local area. It uses 5G slicing technology to upgrade RFID and AGV systems to 5G, so that enterprises can get rid of the "information island" problem. It saves more than 3 million yuan in costs for the enterprise and meets the needs of customers with a daily output of over 10,000.


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康宁431433储液瓶| 数控高精度外圆磨床| 微孔袋式过滤器| 装修除味除甲醛| 低温光照仪| 冷缩电缆头| 数字式直流多功能表| 177ml气动压胶枪| 通用绝缘电阻测试仪| 手板加工| OPS整机| 灭火器维修设备与灭火器灌装设备专业供应商| 华医药物导入仪| 篮球场悬浮地板厂家| 在线测量系统| 镇江网站推广| 透光式玻璃板液位计| JSS30A收敛仪| 触摸屏防爆正压柜| 兔ELISA试剂盒| Trimos高度仪| 木粉颗粒热风炉| 水性覆膜机| 超声波手持式气象仪| 滤芯网等滤芯材料及滤芯设备东海滤清器(滤芯)材料厂| 单晶硅压力变送器| 不锈钢链板| 硅酸根测定仪| 常州市国立试验设备研究所| 高温气压烧结炉| miRNA分离纯化试剂盒| 自动称重贴标机| 小型不锈钢除尘器| Apohtech试剂盒| 平口螺旋接地线| 鲁阳药化干燥设备| 激光传感器LR| 方形冷凝器| 湿漏电流测试仪| RP| 地埋式生活污水净化槽定制厂家|