
Project Introduction:

A certain brand builds a new factory with an annual output of 12 million high-performance semi-steel radial tires. In a factory of more than 100,000 square meters, it can realize the automatic handling and storage management of dozens of materials. Each material has different equipment and storage methods include flat warehouse and two Layer shelves, 9-meter high shelves, etc. The project uses 43 MAXAGVs to realize the automated distribution of materials in the workshop throughout the factory. Through the MAX scheduling management system, JIT (Just In Time) operations are realized, combined with MES to realize digital production scheduling. In the tire industry, this project is the world's first exemplary case to realize Industry 4.0.


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精密铸造配件| 手持风速仪| PNDS纳米位移测试系统| 辐射测试仪| 彩色透水地坪价格| 工业气体在线分析仪(激光拉曼气体分析仪厂家)| 滑坡预警监测仪| 直角单向阀| 租用机械式立体停车位| CCC认证| 紫外线消毒模块| 逆变器高温老化房| 三相五柱电压互感器| 化工储罐| 生产型冻干机| 不锈钢烛式过滤机| 淄博推进化工机械| 超声波焊接机.热板机.振动摩擦机.高频诱导机.金属焊接机厂家| LED防爆路灯| 药包材加热伸缩率试验仪| 恒温恒湿测试箱| 山东水泥立沿石| 双色石英管液位计| 无人值守地磅智能管理系统| 干湿两用激光粒度仪| 半自动定氮检测仪| 三相微机继电保护测试仪| 膜脱气仪| 污泥烘干机| NTN进口轴承| 舟山市嘉铭机械| 空气弹老化箱| 温州中环机械| 戴南不锈钢无缝管| SITEMA制动器| 微量移液器| 水杨酸甲酯价格厂家| 玻璃雨棚| 液压拉伸冲样机| 指纹门锁寿命耐久试验机| BA楼宇设备中央空调PLC智能节能自动控制系统方案解决者|