

Project Introduction:

A global pharmaceutical company that mainly produces drugs and vaccines. The customer needs a new AGV to replace the old AGV product to take the pallet from the conveyor belt. At the same time, the new system also needs to communicate with the customer's existing host system. FX15 is considered to be the best choice for this system. In the customer's production base, about 20 automatic doors use an S5 Siemens I/O interface, which is upgraded to a modern S7 controller. The system works 5 days a week and runs 24 hours a day.

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VOCs深冷冷凝回收| hmi触摸屏维修| 智能压力开关| 铝棒穿孔机| 光电传感器厂家| 真空共晶回流焊接| TDK电源模块| 电磁铁制动器| 3NH分光测色仪| 合肥生鲜蔬菜配送| pe板材| 糖分析仪| PHOENIX| 高性能污水处理PLC| 滤芯清洗机| 复合土工膜| 重庆市沃利克环保设备| 油水温度控制机| 固定式氨气检测仪| AminexHPX| 陶瓷纤维马弗炉| 直流防爆电机「厂家」| 金凤液氮罐| 冷却塔降噪维修厂家| 落地式高速离心机| 轴流风机| 发格售后服务| 耐压测试仪| 数字量输入模块| 别墅庭院设计| 定制段码液晶屏| 山河智能装备集团| 自动水分测试仪| 半导体温控| 干细胞胎牛血清| smc单项节流阀| 纯电动装载机| 十二烷基二甲基氧化胺| 水处理石英砂滤料颗粒| 南京货架价格低| 安检排爆装备|