
HomeProductForklift AGV

Product model: FX40

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Our FX models are constructed as a forklit type which make them especially suitable for transport of pallets and stillages. The FX40 can carry different types and sizes of pallets and stillages. The model is a side loader, meaning that pallets are loaded from the long side of the AGV. During transport the load rests within the AGV's frame on the chassi. The FX40 has great maneuverability and can move in different directions. The AGV has a reach mast and fork spread. Loading and unloading can be done on different heights since FX40 has an encoder which helps to measure the lifting height. The model is also capable of deep stacking pallets or working at height into a racking system.
Our AGVs can work completely on their own or side by side with people. Safety is of utmost importance to us and all AGVs have safety bumpers around them, confoming to stringent safety regulations. There are also sensors which registers if a person comes too close and consequently stops the AGV until the person has moved. The Max control system communicates with the AGVs with the help of WiFi radio(s). This is a Windows-based system which is easy to use. The AGVs are able to work in shifts, meaning that when one vehicle needs to load its battery, another vehicle takes over. This allows the AGVs to operate 24/7. The utmost advantages of MAXAGV are flexibility and cost efficiency.

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