
HomeProductBearing AGV

Product model: CX15

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Our CX models are load carriers. The AGV can be equipped with a hydraulic lift table, a roller conveyor or chain conveyor depending on its purpose. CX15 is great for transporting different types of material. It is mainly built to carry pallets, but can transport any type of load if this is placed on a pallet or platform. The CX15 has great maneuverability and either maneuvers by a SingleDriveSingleSteer (SDSS) or SingleDriveEccentricSteer (SDES) wheel configuration system.Due to the many ways in which it can be used and adapted, CX15 is a model that is often requested.It is fast and reliable in its load transfers, as well as easy to service and maintain.
Our AGVs can work completely on their own or side by side with people. Safety is of utmost importance to us and all AGVs have safety bumpers around them, confoming to stringent safety regulations. There are also sensors which registers if a person comes too close and consequently stops the AGV until the person has moved. The Max control system communicates with the AGVs with the help of WiFi radio(s). This is a Windows-based system which is easy to use. The AGVs are able to work in shifts, meaning that when one vehicle needs to load its battery, another vehicle takes over. This allows the AGVs to operate 24/7. The utmost advantages of MAXAGV are flexibility and cost efficiency.

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